Ultra Replica' Orb Ring revealed !!!! (By Ryuuseisword)

        Here  is the new Ultra Replica' Orb Ring from the 2016 Ultraman Orb. The Ultra Replica' Orb Ring  have changed molding and specification compare to DX, the diameter of the item is measured 6.7 cm, built-in 10 BGM from the TV series, built-in dialogues of Gai Ikari/ Ultraman Orb, dedicated pedestal and 22 Ultra Fusion Cards. The Ultraman Orb is previously aired every Saturdays from July,09,2016 to December,24,2016 with the total of 25 Episodes. The Ultra Replica' Orb Ring is worth ¥16,500 to be released this February 2022. Here are the pics !!!!:
