Mini-pla Zenkai Gattai Series 04 ZenkaiZyuOh revealed !!!! (By Ryuuseisword)


        Here is the new Mini-pla Zenkai Gattai Series 04 ZenkaiZyuOh from the 2021-22 Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger series. The Mini-pla Zenkai Gattai Series 04 ZenkaiZyuOh are composed of Super Zenkaizer figure different parts with weapon parts  and Super Twokaizer SD as you can form them into ZenkaiZyuOh. You can also combined Mini-pla Super Zenkaizer and Mini-pla JuranTyranno to form Super ZenkaiOh Juran, and Mini-pla VrooDump to form Super ZenkaiOh Vroon, and Mini-pla Super Twokaizer SD  to combined with Mini-pla CrocoDaiOh, TwokaiCutanner, and  TwokaiRicky to form Super TwoKaiOh . The Mini-pla Zenkai Gattai Series 04 ZenkaiZyuOh is worth ¥ 7,460 to be released this August  30,2021. Here are the pics !!!!:
