Ultraman Orb Silver925 Fusion Card Motif Necklace revealed !!!! (By Ryuuseisword)



              Here is the new Ultraman Orb Silver925 Fusion Card Motif Necklace from the 2016 Ultraman Orb series. The Ultraman Orb Silver925 Fusion Card Motif Necklace have Silver925 designed Ultraman Fusion Card and Ultraman Tiga Fusion Card in one necklace. The Ultraman Orb is previously aired every Saturdays from July,09,2016 to December,24,2016 with the total of 25 Episodes that celebrates the 50th anniversary of Ultraman series. The Ultraman Orb Silver925 Fusion Card Motif Necklace is worth ¥16,500 to be released this July 05,2021.
