Neo DecaDriver Watch revealed !!!! (By Ryuuseisword)

          Here is the new Neo DecaDriver Watch from the 2018-19 Kamen Rider ZI-O Series and the 2009 Kamen Rider Decade series.  The Neo DecaDriver Watch is a wrist watch designed based from Tsukasa/Kamen Rider Decade's Neo DecaDriver from 2018-19 Kamen Rider ZI-O, the pink LED light emits when you press the button just like transforming and has a thick size.  Kamen Rider Decade is the tenth Kamen Rider series in Heisei Era  that aired from January,25,2009 to August,30,2009 with the total of 31 Episodes and Kamen Rider ZI-O is previously played on TV Asahi every Sundays from September 02,2018 to August 25,2019 with the total of 49 Episodes. The Neo DecaDriver Watch is worth ¥29,700 to be released this July 2021. Here are the pics !!!!:




