Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger Updates: Mecha Battles and Twokaizer' Sentai Gears (By Ryuuseisword and Hyperchrome )


         Here are another updates for the Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger series . ZenkaiOh JuraGaon and TwokaiOh Cutanner  team-up to fight against Retro World and Battle Caesar , Zenkaigers' Zenkai Juran, Zenkai Gaon, Zenkai Magine and Zenkai Vroon fighting against Jishaku World and  CrocoDaiOh changed into a bazooka mode with TwoKaiCutanner on the left side and TwoKaiRicky on the right side to form into Crocodile Bazooka.


       Twokaizer used the Sentai Gear 26 Hurricanger to used Shurikenger's ability to unleash the baseball attack, Sentai Gear 32 Go-onger to used Go-on Wings' speed ability and Sentai Gear 31 Gekiranger to used Geki Chopper's combat ability , and Stacy was go the the Colorful Candy Shop as he was called Satoshi. 
