S.H. Figuarts Kamen Rider Espada Lamp Do Alangina revealed !!!! (By Ryuuseisword)

          Here is the new S.H. Figuarts Kamen Rider Espada Lamp Do Alangina from the 2020-21 Kamen Rider Saber series. The S.H. Figuarts Kamen Rider Espada Lamp Do Alangina are composed of the main figure, three replaceable left and right wrists, Raimeiken Ikazuchi, Seiken Swordriver, aand three types of Wonder Ride Books.  S.H. Figuarts Kamen Rider Espada Lamp Do Alangina is worth ¥ 6,600 to be released this June 2021. Here are the pics !!!!:
