Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger Original Soundtrack Sound Gear 1 CD revealed !!!! (By Ryuuseisword)


          Here is the new Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger Original Soundtrack Sound Gear 1 CD that are composed of background music from the TV series from ordinary scenes, Zenkaiger theme, Tojitendo theme, Henshin Sequence theme, Battle Theme and Mecha combination theme that are composed by Kenichiro Oishi and Michiaki Watanabe who is the composer of background music of the first Super Sentai series the 1975-77 Himetsu Sentai Goranger. The Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger Original Soundtrack Sound Gear 1 CD is worth ¥ 3,300 to be released this June 02,2021.
