Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger Updates: Twokaizer revealed !!!! (By Hyperchrome)

         Here are another updates for the Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger series as the new additional member of Zenkaiger appears and he is Twokaizer !!!!:

       Zox Goldtweaker/Twokaizer will be played by Atsuki Mashiko (Born January,05,2000) who previously played as Glasya of Kamen Rider Zangetsu Stage -Gaim Gaiden- way back 2019. Zox Goldtweaker/Twokaizer will appear on  Episode 8 as he fight against Stacey/Stacaesar . Zox Goldtweaker/Twokaizer will used the Geardalinger and the Sentai  Gear 35 Twokaizer to changed into Twokaizer, and he can also used different Sentai Gears to obtain powerful armors. Here are the pics of Twokaizer' DX Items and stay tune for more updates !!!!:

