Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger Updates: The Zenkaiger's Sixth Member and Zenkaiger New Pics (By Hyperchrome)

          Here are another updates for the Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger series. Here is the silhouette pic of the sixth member of Zenkaiger that is Twokaizer, that looks like a dual colored hero that reminds me of Gokai Silver Gold Mode, lets looks forward on it.

         Zenkaigers teaming up with previous Red Rangers and the fighting skills of Kaito/Zenkaizer, Gaon/Zenkai Gaon, Magine/Zenkai Magine and Vroon/Zenkai Vroon.

Kaito/Zenkaizer when he meets Gaon/Zenkai Gaon and the formation of Zenkaigers.

          Kaito/Zenkaizer with Juran/Zenkai Juran and Gaon/Zenkai Gaon wearing face mask, Gaon/Zenkai Gaon's fighting skills and changing into GaonLion and Juran/Zenkai Juran's fighting skills and changing JuranTyranno, and the combination of JuranTyranno and GaonLion to become ZenkaiOh JuraGaon.

        Gaon/Zenkai Gaon, Magine/Zenkai Magine and Vroon/Zenkai Vroon making a Sushi, Vroon/Zenkai Vroon' fighting skills and changing into VroonDump, Magine/Zenkai Magine' fighting skills and changing into Magine/Zenkai Magine, and Great Sushi World making Sushi as he challenged the Zenkaigers.
