Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger Updates : Zenkaigers' Mecha form and ZenkaiOh (By Ryuuseisword and Hyperchrome)


            Here are another updates for the Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger to be premier this March 07,2021 that will celebrate the 45th anniversary of Super Sentai.  Juran/Zenkai Juran have an ability to become a giant Mecha with the help of another Sentai Gear and their changing into Mecha form from Zenkai Juran to become JuranTyranno, Zenkai Gaon to become GaonLion, Zenkai Magine to become MagineDragon and Zenkai Vroon to become VroonDump and combined themselves into ZenkaiOh to be piloted by Zenkaizer.


          Zenkai Juran's ability to fight as a giant Mecha, and the team-up of ZenkaiOh JuraGaon and ZenkaiOh VroonMagine against the World Monsters and Kudai Tests.

 ZenkaiOh JuraGaon's finisher is called Engetsu Crash.


  ZenkaiOh VroonMagine's finisher is called Vroon Picker Accel Strike.


 The DX ZenkaiOh Jura Gaon the combination of JuranTyranno and GaonLion.

 The Zenkaizer vinyl figure with JuranTyranno, GaonLion, 


 The DX ZenkaiOh JuraGaon and DX ZenkaiOh VroonMagine.
