Kamen Rider Saber Spin-off: Sword of Logos Saga Promo(By Hyperchrome)

           Here is the promo of Kamen Rider Saber Spin-off: Sword of Logos Saga that will included on the each released of Kamen Rider Saber Blu-ray Collection as the trailer features the previous Sword of Logos group 15 years ago that includes Ryo/Kamen Rider Buster and Tetsuo/Kamen Rider Slash as it unveils the truth behind the betrayal of Kamen Rider Calibur and some secrets behind the organization. The Kamen Rider Saber Spin-off: Sword of Logos Saga Episodes 1 would be included on the Kamen Rider Saber Blu-ray Collection 1 to be released this May 12. Watch and enjoy the promo !!!!:

