Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger Updates : The Zenkaigers and the Tojitendo Dynasty (By Hyperchrome)


          Here are another updates for the Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger to be premier this March 07 after the conclusion of Mashin Sentai Kiramager. Here are the Zenkaigers and their nemesis the Tojitendo Dynasty !!!!:


        Kaito/Zenkaizer together with Juran/Zenkai Juran, Gaon/Zenkai Gaon, Magine/Zenkai Magine and Vroon/Zenkai Vroon interacting with different people and animals like ordinary humans.


         Zenkaigers main villains is called Tojitendo Dynasty lead by Boccowaus a tyrrant leader, Barasitara the captain of Tojitendo Army, Izilde the expert in stealing technology and science like Gears and Gege the cold hearted bird assisting Boccowaus.

        The Tojitendo Dynasty used the Tojiru Gears to create monsters called World and giant robots called the Kudaitests as when the Zenkaiger defeated them , the imprisoned world due to Tojiru Gears will be broken.
