Kamen Rider 01 Others: Kamen Rider Metsuboujinrai Updates: New Kamen Riders revealed !!!! (By Hyperchrome)

         Here are another updates for the upcoming Kamen Rider 01 Others: Kamen Rider Metsuboujinrai to be premier this March 26 and released on Blu-ray and DVD this July 14. So here are the following Kamen Riders that will debut on this following spin-off movie !!!!:

          The second ZAIA CEO' Leon Arkland will used the Zetsumerise Keys and ZAIA Thousandriver to changed into Kamen Rider ZAIA as it looks like the black version of Kamen Rider Thouser that has the mixed power of Kamen Rider Ark.

          Kamen Rider Metsuboujinrai are the combination of powers of Horobi/Kamen Rider Horobi, Jin/Kamen Rider Jin, Naki/Kamen Rider Naki and Raiden/Kamen Rider Ikazuchi with the help of Metsuboujinrai Driver Unit and the Mass Brain Zetsumerise Key to obtain this form.
