Ultra Tokusatsu Perfect Mook Volume 14: Ultraman Gaia revealed !!!! (By Ryuuseisword)

        The 1998-99 Ultraman Gaia will have the new Ultra Tokusatsu Perfect Mook Volume 14: Ultraman Gaia that features all the all special effects works, behind the scenes, behind the role of Ultraman Gaia and Ultraman Agul,XIG members,equipment and vehicles, monsters of the week and casts and staff' interview featuring Takeshi Yoshioka (Gamu/Ultraman Gaia) and Hassei Takano (Hiroya/Ultraman Agul). 1999 Ultraman Nice is included on the Official Mook. Ultraman Gaia is previously aired on TBS every Saturdays from September 05,1998 to August 28,1999 with the total of 51 Episodes. The Ultra Tokusatsu Perfect Mook Volume 14: Ultraman Gaia is worth ¥ 693 to be released this January 25,2021.
