Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger Updates: Zenkaiser revealed !!!! (By Hyperchrome and Guyferd20)

           Here are another updates for the Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger that will aired this 2021 after the conclusion of Mashin Sentai Kiramager as it celebrates the 45th anniversary of Super Sentai.  Here is the preview of Zenkaiser the leader of Zenkaiger that looks like a mixed of Big One of 1977 JAK Q Dengeki Tai and Akaranger of 1975-77 Himetsu Sentai Goranger, and he also looks like Kamen Rider Mach of 2014-15 Kamen Rider Drive. The following line-ups aside from Zenkaiser as white ranger are Red, Blue, Yellow and Pink. Stay tune for more updates !!!!.
