Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger Updates: The story plot and the Zenkaiger members (By Ryuuseisword and Hyperchrome)


           Here are another updates for the Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger to be premier this March 07,2021 after the conclusion of Mashin Sentai Kiramager as they celebrate the 45th anniversary of Super Sentai. The story takes place were a human meets the machine lifeforms called Kikanoids as he changed into Zenkaiser and lead the four Kikanoids to form into Zenkaiger to protect parallel words of Super Sentai against enemies.

      Zenkaisers' identity is named Kaito Goshikida a hype person who wants to be on a top 1 spot and meet the four Kikanoids' Zyuran/Zenkai Zyuran, Gaon/Zenkai Gaon, Vroon/Zenkai Vroon and Magine/Zenkai Magine to form into Zenkaiger.Kikanoids can changed into giant mechas, Zyuran/Kikai Zyuran will changed into Zyuran Tyranno, Gaon/Kikai Gaon will changed into Gaon Lion, Vroon/Zenkai Vroon will changed into Vroon Dump and Magine/Zenkai Magine will changed into Magine Dragon. The Kikanoids' mecha forms can combine into ZenkaiOh with four forms the ZenkaiOh  ZyuraGaon the combination of Zyura Tyranno and Gaon Lion, ZenkaiOh  VroonMagine the combination of Vroon Dump and Magine Dragon, ZenkaiOh  ZyuraMagine the combination of Zyura Tyranno and Magine Dragon,  and ZenkaiOh  VroonGaon the combination of Vroon Dump and Gaon Lion.
