Kamen Rider Saber The Movie Updates: Kamen Rider Falchion revealed !!!! (By Hyperchrome)

         Here are another updates for the Kamen Rider Saber The Movie to be premiere this December 18 together with Kamen Rider 01 The Movie. Masashi Taniguchi who previously played as Nagare/Go Blue of 1999-2000 Kyu Kyu Sentai Go Go Five and Jin/Kamen Rider Amazon Alpha of 2016-17 Kamen Rider Amazons will now play as Bacht/Kamen Rider Fahlcion the immortal Kamen Rider who used the Eternal Phoenix Wonder Ride Book to attach it to his own Swordriver to obtain this powerful form as he planned to hunt all the Sword of Logo' members. Stay tune for more updates !!!!:
