The 2020-21 Mashin Sentai Kiramager will have visual book entitled "Mashin Sentai Kiramager Hero Book" featuring the interview of Kiramager casts' Atsushi Komiya (Juru Atsuta/Kiramai Red), Rui Kihara (Imizu Tametomo/Kiramai Yellow), Yume Shinjo (Sena Hayami/Kiramai Green), Atom Mizuishi (Oshikiri Shiigure/Kiramai Blue), Mio Kudo (Sayo Oharu/Kiramai Pink) and Kohei Shoji (Takamichi/Kiramai Silver), the voice actors, and fan artworks. The Mashin Sentai Kiramager Hero Book is worth ¥2,464 to be released this October 14, 2020.