S.H Figuarts Kamen Rider ZI-O Ohma Form revealed !!!! (By Ryuuseisword)

         Here is the new S.H Figuarts Kamen Rider ZI-O Ohma Form from the 2019 Kamen Rider ZI-O The Movie: Over Quartzer. The S.H Figuarts Kamen Rider ZI-O Ohma Form have a vivid paint of gold and silver, four pairs of replaceable wrists and Saikyou Gilade was included. Kamen Rider ZI-O The Movie: Over Quartzer  is previously premiered last July 26,2019. The S.H Figuarts Kamen Rider ZI-O Ohma Form is worth ¥6,600 to be released this January 2021.
