Complete Selection Modification' Amazons Driver version Alfa revealed !!!! (By Ryuuseisword)

       Here is the Complete Selection Modification' Amazons Driver version Alfa from the 2016-17 Kamen Rider Amazons series. The Complete Selection Modification' Amazons Driver version Alfa features 120 dialogues of Jin/Kamen Rider Amazon Alpha and some sounds , generating luminous effect,  detailed core part and well detailed Amazon Blade, and the BGM from the Kamen Rider Amazons series. Kamen Rider Amazons that is previously streamed on previously streamed on Amazon Prime way back from April,01,2016 to June,24,2016 in Season 1 and  from April ,07,2017 to June ,30,2017 in Season 2. The Complete Selection Modification' Amazons Driver version Alfa is worth ¥24,200 to be released this December 2020.



