Mashin Sentai Kiramager Updates: Kiramager' secret base and Yodonheim' Mashin (By Ryuuseisword)

      Here are another updates for the Mashin Sentai Kiramager to be premier this March,08,2020 as the five individuals with Kiramental ability begin their journey as Kiramager to fight against the Yodonheim Empire.

        The Kiramager' headquarters the  CARAT ( Caring And Radical Ambitious Team) as they meet with Princess Mabushina and Hakataminami Muryou on planning on their next mission, bonding time , creating some Mashins and some weapons with the help of the raw Kiramai Stones, and the hide-out of their respective Mashins.

     Yodonheim Army can also create their own Mashin that is called the Smog Jouki which is a tyrannosaurus and a train mixed that is piloted by Garza and the rival between Kiramai Red and Garza begins.
