Mashin Sentai Kiramager Updates: Kiramaijin' cockpit and the Yodonheim forces (By Ryuuseisword)

       Here are another updates for the Mashin Sentai Kiramager to be premier this March,08,2020. The CARAT (  Caring And Radical Ambitious Team) headquarters the secret base of Kiramagers as they meet with Mabushina and Hakataminami Muryou, and inside the cockpit of Kiramager as Kiramai Red is stand and commanding each move, the design inside the Mecha has a diamond carat design with the respective jewel powers of each Kiramagers.

      The Yodonheim Empire lead by Garza with his fellow comrade Crantula in order to destroy Crystalia lead by his brother Oladin and to destroy everything beautiful in the universe, to obtain this objective they summon Jamenshi earning negative energy to open an Invasion Gate and released the giant Kaijus called the Jamen Beasts to destroy earth.
