Yudo-X Figures' Mashin Sentai Kiramager Set Revealed !!!! (By Ryuuseisword)

        Here are the Yudo-X Figures' Mashin Sentai Kiramager Set featuring your favorite Kiramagers' Kiramai Red, Kiramai Yellow, Kiramai Green, Kiramai Blue and Kiramai Pink as the figures are measured 110 mm height . Each Kiramager Yudo-X Figure is worth ¥ 450  and the full package set that are composed of five  Kiramagers with Kirama Shot and Kirama Sword that can also combine into Kiramai Buster is worth  ¥ 5,940 to be both released this April 30, 2020. Enjoy the pics !!!!:

Kiramai Red 

Kiramai Yellow

Kiramai Green

Kiramai Blue

Kiramai Pink

Kiramagers' flat hands with Kiramai Sword and Kiramai Shot.
