Kamen Rider 01 Updates: Upcoming Progrise Key, Henshin Devices and Kamen Rider' forms (By Ryuuseisword)

      Here are another updates for the Kamen Rider 01 series as the following lists for the upcoming Progrise Keys, Henshin Devices and the Kamen Rider' forms has been confirmed !!!!, so here are the following !!!!:

   The upcoming Progrise Keys are Progrising Hopper Progrise Key,  and Learning Humagia Progrise Key, the upcoming Henshin Devices are Fusion Riser, Ark Rider and Movie Special set that seems to be a new Henshin device, and the upcoming forms' Kamen Rider 01 Progrising Hopper, Kamen Rider Metsubou Vulcan, Kamen Rider Jinrai Valkyrie, Kamen Rider Ark Thouser and the new Kamen Rider Izu. Stay tune for more updates for the debut of the following Progrise Keys, Henshin devices and new Kamen Rider forms. 


Marcus said…
Waiting for Kamen Rider Izu debut her cuteness.