Mashin Sentai Kiramager Updates : Role Calls and additional details (By Hyperchrome)

      Here are another updates for the Mashin Sentai Kiramager as the Episode 0 to be premier this February,08,2020 and the TV series to be premier this March,08,2020 after the conclusion of Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger. So here are the following role call of each Kiramager !!!!:

Hirameki (Flashing) Shining Kirama Red

Michibiki (Guiding) Shooting Kirama Yellow

Totsugeki (Charging) Lightning Kirama Green

Kissaki (Pointing) Unstoppable Kirama Blue

Tesabaki (Handling) Incredible Kirama Pink

        The five shining hearts of each gems represents different their Infinite Kirameiki as they destined to become Kiramagers, and Kirama Red showing his Kirama Changer , Kirama Sword and Kirama Shot. Stay tune for more updates !!!!.
