Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger vs. Lupinranger vs. Patranger Updates: New Pics revealed !!!! (By Ryuuseisword)

          Here are another updates for the Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger vs. Lupinranger vs. Patranger to be premier this February,08,2020 as the Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger, Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger and Keisatsu Sentai Patranger unite to fight the remaining Ganglars. 

      Ryusoul Red and Ryusoul Blue fight against the remaining Ganglar' Ganima Noshiagalda who stole their Kishiryus that is trap inside its safe. Ganima Noshiagalda have three powerful Lupin Collection that makes Ryusoulgers getting a hard time.

       Bamba/Ryusoul Black meets Keiichiro/Patren1Gou and Kou/Ryusoul Red meets Kairi/Lupin Red to talk and help with them to rescue the Kishiryu that is captured inside the safe of Ganima Noshiagalda.

Kou will changed into Max Ryusoul Red as he faced Noel/Patren X.

      Kairi/Lupin Red, Touma/Lupin Blue, Umika/Lupin Yellow, and Noel/Lupin X changed into Lupinrangers and, Keiichiro/Patren1Gou, Sakuya/Patren2Gou and Tsukasa/Patren3Gou changed into Patrangers. 

Stay tune for more updates for the upcoming pics and trailers !!!!.


rogerph2015 said…
Missing in these pictures are the ZyuRanger, AbaRanger and Kyoryuger Actors and Actresses and Nana Asakawa, who played Rita in the Super Sentai Strongest Battle. How frustrating it was for them to be excluded on the next month's movie!