Toku-Similarities # 53: Super Sentai from Different Time

         Here is another Toku-Similarities as we compare two things in similar on each Tokusatsu series. So here are the two classic Super Sentai series in common !!!!: 

     Geki/Tyranno Ranger, Goushi/Mammoth Ranger, Dan/Tricera Ranger, Boi/Tiger Ranger, Mei/Ptera Ranger and Burai/Dragon Ranger are reawakened after million years to changed into Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger to protect earth against Witch Bandora's forces who are free from the seal.

       Yuuri/Time Pink, Ayase/Time Blue, Domon/Time Yellow and Sion/Time Green from year 3000 goes back to year 2000 as they met Tatsuya/Time Red and Naoto/Time Fire as they gather together and changed into Mirai Sentai Timeranger to protect time against Don Dolnero' forces.

The similarities between the two Super Sentai teams as they are came from different time as they go to the present time to finish some missions against the villains.
