Pic for Today #1514

          Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger is now 15 years, what is your unforgettable characters, mecha and episode of this series ?


rogerph2015 said…
My favorite character is Marika "Jasmine" Reimon-Hiwatari/DekaYellow, wife of Hikaru Hiwatari and mother of Taiga. Man! Ayumi Kinoshita was recently pregnant for her third child. Now that's a "Precious Mother of a Tasteful/Flavorful/an Aroma ESPer". Congratulations, Mrs. Kinoshita!
About the episode, my favorite is when Jasmine met Hikaru ("Silent Telepathy" and "Rainbow Vision"), who is now her husband in Hero Mama League.
Favorite Mecha? DekaRanger Robo.