Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger Updates: Ryusoul Red HieHie Armor Revealed !!!! (By Ryuuseisword and Hyperchrome)

       Here's another updates for the Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger series. Koh/Ryusoul Red  will received the HieHie Soul from Pi-tan to upgrade with his new armor .

Koh will used the HieHie Soul to obtain the HieHie Armor as he unleash the power of ice.

Ryusoul Red HieHie Armor  can able to fly high while fighting Gaizorg.

      Kou using the HieHie Soul to become Ryusoul Red HieHie Armor  is the key to beat-up Gaizorg and show his true identity. Stay tune for more updates !!!!.


Marcus said…
How many armors Ryusoul Red have and later share it to his fellow comrades, well its Reiwa Era and they will features each armor upgrades and armaments , I hope this is really clique and not a flop.