Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger Updates: Ryusoul Red Cosmo Soul and Master Pink returns (By Ryuuseisword)

      Here's another updates for the Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger series. Kou will received the Cosmo Soul as he received the Cosmo Raptor Armor as he become Ryusoul Red Cosmo Soul !!!!.

         Ryusoul Red Cosmo Soul can able to used powers from space as he unleash light and dark powers as he can control the dimension and the space. The Kishiryus' Shine Raptor and the Shadow Raptor that arrives from the outer space.

    Master Pink appears in front of the Ryusoulger and they need to figure it out if she is revived,survived or a disguised by a Minusaur, and the appearance of Seto that has similar face to Tatsui Naohisa , is Seto would be ally or villain? Stay tune for more updates !!!!.
