Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger the Movie: Time Slip! Dinosaur Panic and Kamen Rider ZI-O The Movie: Over Quartzer Full Trailer (By Hyperchrome)

            Here are the full trailers of Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger the Movie: Time Slip! Dinosaur Panic and Kamen Rider ZI-O The Movie: Over Quartzer to be both premier this July 26.  The Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger the Movie: Time Slip! Dinosaur Panic  features the Ryusoulger goes from the past to met their ancestors Valma and Yuno, and also the Kishiryu' Dinomigo as they experienced the fight against the past Druidons, and Kamen Rider ZI-O The Movie: Over Quartzer features Sougo/Kamen Rider ZI-O and his group goes to Sengoku period as they faced the Quartzers' Kamen Rider Balrckx ,Kamen Rider Zonjhis , and Kamen Rider  Zamonas, and Sougo obtain the Kamen Rider ZI-O Ohma form. Watch and enjoy the trailer !!!!:
