Ultraman Taiga DX Items Revealed !!!! (By Ryuuseisword and Hyperchrome)

            Here's another updates for the Ultraman Taiga to be premier this July 6 on TV Tokyo as the first Ultraman series of Reiwa Era. So here are the following DX Items started from Ultraman Taiga  , Ultraman Titas, Ultraman Fuma , Ultraman Taiga Photon Earth, and the Kaijus' Hellberos,Segmegel, Kinghtfang and Gyamaira.

         The following Ultra Bracelets are Ultraman Rossolet, Ultraman Blulet, Ultraman Geedlet, Ultraman Xlet, Ultraman Gingalet and Ultraman Victorylet , and Kaiju rings' Hellberos ring, Glactron ring and Segmegel ring.
