Here's the second press conference for the Lupinranger vs. Patranger vs. Kyuranger that is premiered last May 3 and to be released on Blu-ray and DVD this August,21,2019. The press conference features Asahi Itou ( Kairi Yano/LupinRed), Shogo Hama (Toma Yoimachi/LupinBlue), Haruka Kudo (Umika Hayami/LupinYellow),Yuki Kousei (Keiichiro Asaka/Patren1Gou), Ryo Yokohama (Hikawa/Patren2Gou ), Kazusa Okuyama (Tsukasa Myoujin/Patren3Gou), Seiya Motoki (Noel Takao/Lupin X/Patren X) , and Director Hiroyuki Kato. Watch and enjoy the press conference !!!!: