Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger: Kishiryu-Oh Combinations (By Ryuuseisword)

       Here's the new video of Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger that features the combinations of Kishiryu-Oh from its primary form,  Kishiryu-Oh Three Knights the combination of Tyramigo with Tricane and Ankyloze, Kishiryu-Oh Tigerlance  the combination of Tyramigo with Tricane ,Ankyloze and Tigerlance, Kishiryu-Oh MilNeedle  the combination of Tyramigo with Tricane ,Ankyloze, Tigerlance and MilNeedle, and Kishiryu-Oh Five Knights  the combination of Tyramigo with Tricane ,Ankyloze ,Tigerlance and Milneedle. Watch and enjoy the video !!!!:
