Remembering BlueStriderRyu (1988-2018) and his works ( First Death Anniversary)

        Here's our tribute to our friend BlueStriderRyu on his first death anniversary last March 07 as one of the contributors of Tokupinoy from 2012 until 2017. BlueStriderRyu  passed away last March,07,2018 in evening, due to stroke and complications in the kidney as its a big shock from us for his untimely death at the age of 29 years old. I know he is happy in heaven right now and watching us , and continuing spreading the Tokusatsu fandom by bringing Tokusatsu news and creaations.As a friend and a brothers in Tokusatsu community as me Ryuuseisword together with Hypechrome, Guyferd20, Gouki, RioBlackLion, Blitzwing , Gekichopper and RXJanperson dedicated this special entry to him as we pay tribute to his contributions, works and creations as a Tokusatsu' fan ,blogger and cosplayer , so here are his artworks and creations !!!!!!!!:

Here are some additional artworks from BlueStriderRyu :
