Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger Updates : Official Casts Revealed !!!! (By Hyperchrome)

       Here's another updates for the upcoming Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger to be premier this March,17,2019 after the conclusion of Super Sentai Greatest Battle. So here are the following casts who will reprise the roles !!!!:

Hayate Ichinose (Born April,08,1997)  will played as Kou / RyusoulRed 

                         Keito Tsuna (Born December,24,1998) will played as Melt / RyusoulBlue 

Ichika Osaki (Born December,02,2000) will played as Asuna / RyusoulPink 

                             Yuito Obara ( Born April,02,2002) will played as Towa/ RyusoulGreen

Tatsuya Kishida  (Born April,16,1992) will played as Banba / RyusoulBlack 

Mana Kinjo  (Born February,24,1996) will played as Tatsui Ui 

Mitsuru Fukikoshi ( Born : February,17,1965) will played as Tatsui Aohisa 

Here's the preview with Subs, and stay tune for more updates !!!!.

Source: TV-Nihon


Anonymous said…
Ichika Osaki is a former member of X21 , and she is more cuter on her role.