Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger Updates: New Ryusoulgers Pics (By Ryuuseisword)

            Here's another updates for the upcoming Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger  to be premier this March,17,2019 after the conclusion of Super Sentai Strongest Battle. Kou using the Ryusoul Changerto changed into Ryusoul Red and equips the Ryusoul Blade, the Ryusoulger and fighting against the Minusaur.

Ryusoul Red fighting against Minusaur and the unity of five Ryusoulgers.

           Kou together with Master Red as they both transformed into Ryusoul Red , as the difference is the belt as Ryusoul Red with the silver belt is Master Red. Ui and Aohisa Tatsui will become an ally to Ryusoulgers.

       Master Red, Master Blue and Master Pink, with Elder as they have a ceremony for Kou/Ryusoul Red, Melt/Ryusoul  Blue and Asuna/Ryusoul Pink being a certified Ryusoulgers. Minusaur can also disguised as humans , Kou/Ryusoul Red fighting against Minusaur and the finale of Super Sentai Strongest Battle as Yamato/Zyuoheagle, Marvelous/Gokai Red, Takahasu/Akaninger, Stinger/ Sasori Orange and Kagura/ToQ5Gou will unleashed their ultimate forms . Stay tune for more updates !!!!.
