Super Sentai Strongest Battle First Promo (By Hyperchrome)

         Here's the first promo of Super Sentai Strongest Battle to be premier this February,17,2019 after the conclusion of Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger vs.Keisatsu Sentai Patranger. The promo features the comeback of Captain Marvelous/ Gokai Red, Kagura/ToQ5Gou, Takaharu/Akaninger, Yamato/Zyuoheagle and Stinger/Sasori Orange as they fight previous Super Sentai series , they meet Rita, and also the Ryusoulgers' Ryusoul Black and Ryusoul Green. Watch and enjoy the promo !!!!:


rogerph2015 said…
Wow! This is gonna be an intense bloody fight! You're no safe from this, Hero Mama League (Nanami, Jasmine and Houka) and other Super Sentai/Squadron since 1975! It's war! I wanna see those 200+ Sentai slaughter next month! You'll never make it to the 45th Super Sentai in 2021! There was a rumor that the Super Sentai Robots will fight and destroy each other. Updates soon.