Kamen Rider Zangetsu the Stage: Gaim Gaiden Stage Play Updates: Official Poster and New Casts (By Ryuuseisword)

          Here's another updates for the upcoming Kamen Rider Zangetsu the Stage: Gaim Gaiden Stage Play will be held on Nippon Youth Center Hall in Tokyo, Japan from March, 9 to 24,2019 and Kyoto Therater from March ,28 to 31,2019. Here's the official poster that shows Takatora Kureshima/Kamen Rider Zangetsu (Yuki Kubota) on a ruins and has a shadow of Kamen Rider Zangetsu. Here are the following casts for the upcoming Stage Play !!!!:

       The following actors who will perform for the stage play (from the top to bottom) are Yuki Kubota,Haruki Kiyama, Shota Onuma, Yuya Uno , Masaru Goto. Mashiko Atsuki, Kyohei Senda, Keiji Takahashi and Rui Tabuchi.  Stay tune for more updates !!!!.
