Here's another updates for the Kamen Rider ZI-O series. The future Kamen Riders ' Kamen Rider Woz, Kamen Rider Shinobi and Kamen Rider Quiz will now appeared as they meet Sougo/Kamen Rider ZI-O and Myoukouin Geiz/Kamen Rider Geiz in 2019.

Kamen Rider Shinobi from 2022 appears as he appeared on Sougo/Kamen Rider ZI-O' dreams as his true identity is Rentaro Kagura that will transform into Kamen Rider Shinobi and he fights Another Shinobi with his Ninja and speed skills.

Another Future Kamen Rider' Kamen Rider Quiz appears from 2040 as he also appears on 2040 as Myoukouin Geiz/Kamen Rider Geiz and Tsukuyomi is very unaware as they are next Kamen Riders before 2068. Kamen Rider Quiz and Kamen Rider Geiz will team-up to fight Another Quiz.

Kamen Rider Woz can used the powers of Kamen Rider Shinobi and Kamen Rider Quiz to obtain Armor forms as he can able to beat their Another Rider counterparts and adapt their skills using his futurering abilities.

Kamen Rider Woz will used the Shinobi Miraide Watch from the power of Kamen Rider Shinobi' powers to obtain ninja skills and techniques to fight Another Shinobi.

Kamen Rider Woz will used the Quiz Miraide Watch from to obtain Kamen Rider Quiz' powers to answers the quiz either right or wrong that will affect the battle against Another Quiz.

Another Rider appear as Another Shinobi come from the year 2022 and Another Quiz from year 2040 , and Kamen Rider Woz will have another Miraide Watch from Kamen Rider Kikai.

Sougo/Kamen Rider ZI-O will used the Kamen Rider ZI-O Decade Armor Tajador Form together with Kamen Rider Geiz to fight against Another Quiz . Stay tune for more updates !!!!.