Toku-Similarities # 48: Female Super Sentai Leaders

      Here's the Toku-Similarities as we features the similarities of all thing between two Tokusatsu series. Here are the following Female Super Sentai Leaders of 1994-95 Ninja Sentai Kakuranger and 2000-01 MIrai Sentai Timeranger:

       Tsuruhime/Ninja White who lead the Kakurangers to fight against revived Yokais who wants to invade the human world and inherited the powers of their predecessors.

        Yuri/Time Pink is the leader of Timerangers as she together with her fellow 3 cadets from year 3000 goes to 2000 to stop Don Dolnero alternating time and discovers Tatsuya that becomes Time Red to fulfill their mission.

         The similarities between the two as they are only female leaders on a Super Sentai team who is also the leader to protect earth and fight Kaijus.
