Kamen Rider ZI-O & Kamen Rider Build Movie Wars Heisei Generations: FOREVER Updates : New Movie Characters Revealed !!!! (By Hyperchrome)

           Here's another updates for the upcoming Kamen Rider ZI-O & Kamen Rider Build Movie Wars Heisei Generations: FOREVER to be premier this December 22 as the last Heisei Kamen Rider Crossover movie. Here are the new characters of this upcoming movie !!!!:

         Nayuta Fukuzaki will played as the High School student Ataru  a Kamen Rider fan who will encounter Kamen Rider ZI-O and Kamen Rider Build.

          Shunsuke Daito will play as Super Time Jacker' Tid who plans to erase the timeline of Heisei Kamen Riders as his seems to be related on the appearance of Another W and Another Den-O on the movie. Stay tune for more updates !!!!.
