Toku-Similarities # 46: Super Sentai Boss are their father

      Mondo Tatsumi is the father of Kyu Kyu Sentai Go Go Five who are siblings, as Mondo spend for almost 10 years of researching for the preparation of battle against Psyma as he leave his family , as at the beginning the Tatsumi siblings didn't accept his  leaving for almost a decade since they are kids, however it is worth as they become Go Go Five with the help of their father to protect earth from Psyma. 

          Tsumuji Igasaki is the father of Takaharu Igasaki/ Akaninger and Fuka Igasaki/Shironinger  who handle and teach the Ninningers how to become a ninja and to protect world from Kibaoni Gengetsu' forces, he  has powerful Ninja skills that inherited by his father Yoshitaka which is Nintality however it was stole by Izayoi Kyuemon, and all he need to do is to teach  and guid the Ninningers. 

The similarities between the two are both fathers who handled their children as a Super Sentai team that guide them to protect world from the villains who want to conquer it.
