Academic Year 2018-19 !!!! Ready !!!! Start !!!!

        This month of June is the start of classes  for the new academic year 2018-19 as you will meet your classmates again , meeting the new classmates, new friends, new set of teachers and new adventure begins. This is also the wedding month  as the couple have the final vows before their create a new family and as a husband and wife.

       This month of June we will look on the debut of Lupin X and Patren X as they appear to help Lupinrangers and Patranger on Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger vs. Keisatsu Sentai Patranger series, the debut of  the ultimate form' Kamen Rider Build Genius form of Kamen Rider Build series,more updates for Ultraman Rosso and Ultraman Blu on Ultraman R/B series and more updates of the upcoming 2018-19 Kamen Rider ZI-O. 
