Tokusatsu Primetime Flashback # 46: GMA 7 Sunday Mornings

        Here's another Tokusatsu Primetime Flashback as we featured previous Tokusatsu series that aired in the Philippines. So here's the two series that aired on GMA 7 every Sunday Mornings !!!!:

     Ultraman Ginga  is previously aired on GMA 7 every Sunday mornings 7:50 am way back August,13. This is the third Ultraman series aired since Ultraman Max and Ultraman Mebius and the fourth Tokusatsu series aired in the Philippines this 2010's.

       Ultraman Ginga S is previously aired on GMA 7 every Sunday mornings 7:50 am way back November 5. This is the fourth Ultraman series aired since Ultraman Max and Ultraman Mebius, first Tokusatsu series to aired a sequel from previous series and the fifth Tokusatsu series aired in the Philippines this 2010's.
