Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger vs. Keisatsu Sentai Patranger Updates:Lupin X and Patren X Official Pic Revealed !!!!

         Here's another updates for the Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger vs. Keisatsu Sentai Patranger series. Here's the additional rangers'  Lupin X and Patren X for the promotion of the upcoming Gashapon. PatrenX in Gold and Lupin X in Silver as it features the silhouette of their Chibi items. Lupin X and Patren ' design looks like a Gokaiger suit that reminds me Gokai Silver.

         Lupin X ' mechas X Train Silver and X Train Fire , and Patren X' mechas Train Gold and Train Thunder will also included on the upcoming Gahaspon items. So what can you say about :Lupin X and Patren X' Official Pics ? Stay tune for more updates !!!!:
