Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger vs. Keisatsu Sentai Patranger : Lupin X and Patren X Revealed !!!!

Here's another updates for the Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger vs. Keisatsu Sentai Patranger series. The new Rangers has been revealed and they are Lupin X and Patren X !!!!. Lupin X and Patren X has no identity as a human and there are transformed in one person. They key item is the X Changer as he set up the X Train Silver to become Lupin X and X Train Gold to become Patren X. 

Here are the abilities of Lupin X and Patren X as they help the Lupinrangers and Patrangers: 

Lupin X side as he team-up with Lupinrangers regarding to Lupin Collection.

Lupin X will used X Rod Sword in sword mode to fight Ganglers. 

Patren X  side as he team-up with Patrangers as they protect peace against Ganglers.

Patren X will used X Rod Sword in Jitte mode to fight Ganglers.  Stay tune for more updates !!!!.
