Here's another updates for the Kamen Rider Build series. Aside from the appearance of Kamen Rider Evol on Episode 33 yesterday, there is a new Kamen Rider that will faced by Kamen Rider Build and the group and it is Kamen Rider Mad Rogue !!!!:

Kamen Rider Mad Rogue will used the Evol Driver and attach the Bat Full Bottle and Engine Full Bottle to obtain the Evol match with this form. Kamen Rider Mad Rogue ' weapons are Nebula Steam Gun and Steam Blade.

Kamen Rider Rogue will fight against Kamen Rider Build, Kamen Rider Cross-Z and Kamen Rider Grease as he unleashed some powerful attacks against them.

Souichi Isurugi as he discovered the Pandroa Box and why he become Evolt, The possession of Vernage to Misora, The reason why Evolt wants to destroy the Earth same to Mars, Behind the reason why Banjo Ryuuga is not a human, and the Evol Driver that was hide by Takumi Katsuragi. Stay tune for more updates.