Ultraman Geed: Tsunaguze! Negai !! Updates: Ultraman Geed and Ultraman Orb Team-up

       Here's another updates for the upcoming Ultraman Geed: Tsunaguze! Negai !!  to be premiere this March,10,2018. Now Ultraman Geed and Ultraman Orb will unleash their forms to fight the Kaijus on this upcoming movie.

   Here's Ultraman Geed Ultimate Final and Ultraman Orb Origin fighting against Kaijus. It also appears Ultraman Zero changing forms such as Strong Corona Zero and Luna Miracle Zero  form.It also appears Ultraman Zero changing forms such as Strong Corona Zero and Luna Miracle Zero  form.

         Ultraman Geed Ultimate Final and Ultraman Orb Trinity form will team-up to fight against Giant Artificial Brain Gilbaris .
