Ultraman Geed: Tsunaguze! Negai !! Movie Updates: Ultraman Geed Ultimate Final and Ultra Heroes

     Here are some pics for the upcoming Ultraman Geed: Tsunaguze! Negai !!  to be premiere this March,10,2018. Ultraman Geed Ultimate Final together with Ultraman Zero and Ultraman Orb Origin, will have additional alliances and they are Glen Fire,Jean-Bot , Jean-nine, and Mirror Knight.

         Aside from calling the comrades of Ultraman Zero, and the return of Jagras Juggler, Ultraman Taro will lead the previous Ultra Heroes to team-up with Ultraman Geed.

Ultraman Geed Ultimate Final  with his primary weapon Giga Finalizer that unleash its powers.

       Giga Finalizer's different powers while Ultraman Geed Ultimate Final using it to fight the Kaijus and Ultraman Belial.

Ultraman Geed and Ultraman Orb team-up to fight  Giant Artificial Brain Gilbaris .

        Ultraman Geed Ultimate Final , Ultraman Zero Beyond and Ultraman Orb Origin unleash their finishing attacks  Giant Artificial Brain Gilbaris .

Ultraman Geed and his fellow Ultra Heroes showing their powers . Stay tune for more updates.
